We’re packed up and ready for the long trip to Indianapolis. Gen Con 2019 is nearly here! If you are also planning on making the road trip to Gen Con, we’d love for you to swing by our booth (booth #1907) and say hi. Need a little encouragement? Here are 5 reasons why it will be worth your time:
5. Getaway Driver pins!
Hot off the presses, the new Getaway Driver pins are here and look amazing! Gen Con will be your first opportunity to see them in person, and snag one for yourself!

4. Get an exclusive Burgle Bros comic – for free!
If you’re a Burgle Brothers fan, this is a must-see. We’ll have a limited number of Burgle Bros comics available. The art is fantastic, the story is sharp, and the humor is… well, we’re nothing if not a bit corny.

3. Check out all our other great games!
Have you tried any of our other games, like Word Domination or Hardback? What about Tim Fowers’ newest game, Sabotage? We’ll have the entire catalog there and available for purchase.
2. Be the first to check out our next game!
We’re nearly ready to launch our next game into the world. Want to be among the first to give it a try? We can’t tell you much about it… yet… but suffice it to say, it’s puzzley, it’s thematic, and it’s a really good time!

1. We’d really love to meet you!
And most importantly – we just really want to meet you. Come tell us your best getaway moments – the time you barely crept past the police, or the time you caught the driver in your net. The designer of Getaway Driver will be there and would be happy to go head-to-head with you in a game.
Not headed to Gen Con?
Don’t fret – we’ll make all of these goodies available online sometime in the future. And, with any luck, we’ll be heading to a conference in your neck of the woods soon.
We hope to see you there!